Top 4 Reasons Why Halal Meals are Increasing in Popularity

Muslim customers are a rapidly expanding part of the market, accounting for 28.7% of the world's total population and numbering 2.2 billion people worldwide. 

The top seven industries that make up the Islamic economy include the Islamic financial industry, the Halal food industry, modest fashion, Muslim-friendly tourism, the media, the entertainment industry, and the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry.

Halal food is the second largest industry (after Islamic finance), with a spending of $1.17 trillion by Muslim consumers in 2019.

Foods that are considered Halal are those that do not include pork, alcohol, or other intoxicants, dangerous components, materials that are not hygienic, or toxins. The Islamic legal principle known as Zabiha specifies the procedures that must be followed while slaughtering animals to produce meat.

The rapidly expanding Halal food market is beginning to garner the attention of major stakeholders in the food industry. The relatively recent advancements in the halal food business indicate the beginning of a market that has the potential to be extremely large.

This market will be fueled by a large, rapidly growing, and young Muslim population across the Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa (APMEA), and even in foreign countries such as Canada. This group of people is seeking goods and services that are compatible with the Islamic way of life that they follow.

But why is Halal increasingly popular in many countries? Here are the top four reasons why the Halal industry is booming.

Halal Certification is Essential to Attracting Customers

According to the Islamic Sharia Rule, the term "Halal" refers to something that is approved, allowed, authorized, or legitimate, and the term "Halal food" refers to food that complies with this law. 

On the other hand, "haram" translates to "forbidden" or "illegal," and it refers to items that should not be ingested. The use of Halal raw materials or products, as well as Islamic slaughtering practices, are not the only requirements for achieving Halal certification. 

The Halal assurance system is an integrated management system that encompasses all of the processes, such as the development of products, purchasing of raw materials, manufacture of finished goods, quality assurance, and administration of storage facilities.

Halal Regulations Initiated Global Trade

Countries in the area are making adjustments to their Islamic economic plans to satisfy the market's demands and further improve consumers' faith in Halal products. 

According to a regulation passed by the Muslim population, Halal certification must be obtained for all consumer goods and associated services that are imported into the nation and those that are sold inside it. 

Some companies have until 2022 to comply with the rule, and there are also exemptions from it, such as the permission to sell haram items like alcohol, pig or hog by-products, blood, and meat that was not slain according to the Islamic manner of sacrificial ritual.

Even nations that are not members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) are becoming more aware of the trend. These governments are establishing partnerships with other OIC nations in order to study the different potentials for collaboration in reference to the import and export of halal products and services.

Food-Related Applications, Cloud Kitchens, and New Innovations

The Halal food supply chain were disrupted as a result of COVID-19, but it also paved the way for a variety of new prospects in the sector.

First, there is an increasing sense of urgency for nations to achieve self-sufficiency and promote local and regional production in order to solve issues of food security and supply chain concerns, as well as to support the expansion and development of the local sector of Halal foods.

Then, there is the quick digital shift that has been brought by Muslim customers searching for convenient, flavorful, and healthy meals that can be delivered to their homes. 

Halal cloud kitchens and ghost kitchens are two examples of the new opportunities that have arisen in the Halal food and meal delivery industry in Toronto as a direct result of the proliferation of online shopping and the delivery of goods to consumers' homes. 

In addition, there is a great degree of interest in applications that are associated with the practice of Halal dining.

Even though the market for Halal ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook meals had a surge during the pandemic, there is still a lot of space for expansion in terms of supplying new goods and a range of options within each category. 

Currently, the confectionery, biscuit, and cookie industries are responsible for the vast majority of new product releases, with Halal claim. This is then followed by the seasoning and chicken industries.

Halal Food also Attracts Non-Muslim Customers

Non-Muslim customers are even becoming more interested in Halal brands and goods. This is due to the rise of the ethical consumer, which emerges when issues like illnesses and concerns about food security drive the demand for healthier choices.

As a result of the strict criteria that must be met to obtain halal certification, halal cuisine has transitioned from being a religious dietary option to being a guarantee of safe, healthful, sanitary, and dependable food. 

According to the findings of several different research studies, non-Muslims have a favorable opinion of halal food items and a considerable intention to purchase them since they are aware that halal food has been adequately processed.

Halal Meals for Food Delivery in Toronto

Sadia's Tiffin Services offers Halal Food meals delivered right to your doorstep in Toronto. Our fresh and delicious meals are prepared with the utmost attention to detail and quality ingredients, ensuring a satisfying and enjoyable dining experience. 

With a variety of options available, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Do you lack the motivation to prepare food or go out to eat? Let us take care of it for you with our convenient Halal meals for food delivery in Toronto

Choose Sadia's Tiffin Services for delivering your food and meals in Toronto. Taste our freshly-made homestyle meals that you will surely never forget!