Good Food Canada

Good Food is a private, non-profit corporation whose mission is to inspire and enable Canadians to make healthier food choices that are better for the environment, their health, and Canada’s future. Good Food Canada works toward its mission by building awareness and understanding of good food among consumers, media, businesses, government, and other influential groups so that these groups are inspired to support policies and programs that encourage the production and consumption of good food.

The Importance of Supporting Local Farms

When you support Good Food Canada, you get a lot more than just-food. By keeping money in your local economy, you help maintain a better quality of life for everyone who lives in your community. Every dollar you spend goes toward ensuring that everyone has access to fresh produce and high-quality meats year-round. You also have an opportunity to talk directly with your farmer, which means that you can ask questions about food production processes and make sure they meet high standards. There’s no need to worry that your food is going to be shipped in from thousands of miles away when good options are available locally. Supporting small farms means supporting yourself, too!

Small farms may sound like they produce only a small amount of food, but most small farms grow more produce than large factory farms. The freshness of Good Food Canada products is something you just can’t get from factory-produced foods. Studies have shown that there are fewer chemicals and preservatives in local food because it doesn’t need to travel for so long before it reaches your plate. Local meats also offer similar benefits. Instead of growing up in an industrial setting, local meats live happy lives with plenty of space and fresh air to play! There’s no need to compromise on quality when your meat comes from a small farm you get higher-quality meat that tastes better, too!

Need Some Fresh Ideas on What to Cook?

If you don’t know what to cook, it can feel like a tedious task to come up with a healthy meal plan for yourself or your family. Fortunately, Good Food Canada makes sure that you always have some fresh ideas in your back pocket. Here are some tips on how to increase your arsenal of quick and easy recipes while upping your cooking skills: Take It Outside: Most of us live busy lives that keep us indoors more often than not. Although it’s nice to curl up MIX & MATCH 7 WEEKLY MEALS PLAN with a bowl of soup and veg out in front of, take some time out at least once a week to go outside and grill up some food instead! Cooking al fresco is always an adventure!

But it’s not just about grilling meat and veggies. Who says you need to stay outdoors? Try taking your food outside! You don’t necessarily have to start an outdoor restaurant, but you could use a little cookout space like a balcony or even your backyard! Make sure you have good weather of course, but cooking in fresh air never tasted so good. While we’re on that subject, try to add as much variety to your recipe collection as possible. Go online and find unique recipes from Good Food Canada that you can personalize with what’s in season. Vegetables especially change with each passing month, so consider incorporating vegetables that are coming into season in your meals for maximum nutrition!

How Does Home Canning Work?

When food is canned at home, it is sealed in an airtight container and heated to destroy harmful bacteria. This method of canning allows you to preserve Good Food Canada for longer than with other methods, but it does come with a few risks. If you leave food canning unattended, there’s a chance that harmful bacteria could grow inside your jars or cans. A good way to combat this risk is by using a pressure cooker; these allow you to heat your food quicker and more evenly while killing any existing bacteria. If you are planning on using fresh produce, make sure that each item is as clean as possible before placing it into your jars or cans.

Home canning is a very popular activity in North America, but it’s important to know that there are a few risks associated with it. If you aren’t using a pressure cooker or other tools and you leave your canned goods unattended, harmful bacteria could grow and contaminate your food. Another problem is Good Food Canada that not all fruits and vegetables are suitable for home canning if you attempt to do so without professional guidance, there’s a good chance that your fruit or vegetable will get damaged by heat or cooking liquid.